“As a leitmotiv, the progress of a man, running towards his destiny, through the countryside. The rhythm of his gait is in harmony with that of our hearts, and the days which follow one another. Yes, life evolves as an irreversible but repetitive process: the right foot following the left, day after night, death after birth. The running of the man shows us the drama of our world. This is the beginning and the end of the movie, the first movement of a symphony. This theme never really disappears, but returns in various guises. It discovers itself in a succession of morning scenes, sometimes in the form of a young boy rolling down a hill, sometimes even in the duplication of the emptiness into life and death.
This multi-media movie is also a book, an album of pictures, a radio broadcast, a symphony, a hallucinogenic. It proposes stories, various themes to think about which conflict with one another, are independent and yet form a complete whole. The author communicates metaphysical doubts regarding the world and her place in it. How does her alienation relate to the repetitions of daily life, as opposed to the sacred repetition of ritual?
The answers come in images, unique, mythical, attaching the disorder of our emotions to the past. The film speaks to us of "primitive" rituals and shows us our modern ones, which are no less astonishing. Then the running changes into a pursuit, a flight away from the past towards the unknown, always accompanied by the silent and forceful message of nature's forces. To run this lonely path, in the shadow of our destiny, abducted by the time which carries us towards death, a time which measures and reassures us, shaped by Nature but at the same time outside of it, this is what the film leaves us with. Everything.”
“Like a Dream That Vanishes,” Catalogue, Andre de Palma