40 transcript
the title] Dialogue 1:
My name is Ted McQuarter and this is the molding
Barb: Can you describe what you do?
I make key plates for the tops of stoves - I'm a molder and I make key plates
for stoves.
Barb: How long have you worked here?
Ted: Three years.
Barb: What strikes me when I come in here is like is
the repetition...
Voiceover excerpt Gertrude Stein' "The Making of Americans":
is now a description of all of them.
There must then be a whole history of each one of them. There must then now be a description of all
repeating. Now I will tell all the
meaning to me in repeating, the loving there is in me for repeating. ...There is then now and here the loving
repetition, this is then, now and here, a description of the loving of
repetition and then there will be a description of all the kinds of ways there
can be seen to be kinds of men and women. Then there will be realized the
complete history of everyone, the fundamental character of everyone, the bottom
nature in them, the mixtures in them, the strength and weakness of everything
they have inside them, the flavour of them, the
meaning in them, the being in them, and then you have a whole history then of
each one. Everything then they do in
living is clear to the completed understanding, their living, loving, eating,
pleasing, smoking, thinking, scolding, drinking, working, dancing, walking,
talking, laughing, sleeping, everything in them. There are whole beings then, they are
themselves inside them, repeating coming out of them
makes a history of each one of them.
from the beginning there was to me all living as repeating. This is now a description of my feeling. As I
was saying listening to repeating is often irritating, always repeating is all
of living, everything in a being is always repeating, more and more listening
to repeating gives to me completed understanding. Each one slowly comes to be a
whole one to me. Each one slowly comes to be a whole one in me.
Voiceover [superimposed over Gertrude Stein]: Ready? OK (laughter). OK, I'll
try talking again. See if this works. Will the echo... OK.
Rollie: Rolland Cook-molding shop.
What we do-right now what we do is mostly wood-big demand for wood-what
I got right here on my board-we come in here and mold - mold the castings-the
work's hard-come in here in the morning - different patterns-hard lifting-hard
on the back-long day-pour off at the end of the day-get the finished material
to go outside-when you start, start from the raw material-as you can see, mud
and the pattern-you take your pattern and make what you get out of it-I don't
know, it's just plain molding-that's all it is.
Barb: How long have you worked here?
Rollie: 25 years-at
Enterprise-not out here-I've been out here most of 25 years-I've worked around
the molding shop.
So is this the shop you prefer?
Rollie: You got to like hard work - you don't mind it.
Barb: Is there a way like that you deal with the
Voiceover excerpt Gertrude Stein:
always is repeating the whole of them. Always, one having loving repeating to
getting completed understanding must have in them an open feeling, a sense for
all the slightest variations in repeating, must never lose themselves so in the
solid steadiness of all repeating that they do not hear the slightest
variation. If they get deadened by the steady pounding of repeating, they will
not learn from each one even though each one always is repeating the whole of
them. They will not learn the completed history of them,
they will not know the being really in them.
I was saying everyone always is repeating the whole of them. As I was saying
sometimes it takes many years of listening, seeing, living, feeling, loving the
repeating there is in some before one comes to a completed understanding. This
is now a description of such a way of hearing, seeing, feeling, living, loving,
everyone loves someone's repeating. Mostly everyone then, comes to know then
the being of someone by loving the repeating in them, the repeating coming out
of them. There are some who love everybody's repeating, this is now a
description of such loving in one ...There are many ways of beginning this
description and now once more to make a beginning.
voiceover excerpt from Gertrude Stein:
then slowly each one comes to be a whole one to me. As I was saying loving
repeating in every one, hearing always all repeating, coming to completed
understanding of each one is to me a natural way of being.
are many that I know and always more and more I know it. They are all of them
repeating and I hear it. They are all of them living and I know it. More and
more I understand it, always more and more it has completed history in it.
one has there own being in them. Every one is of a kind of men and women.
Always more and more I know the whole history of each one. This is now a little
a description of such knowing in me. This is now a little a description of
beginning of hearing repeating all around me.
Barb: [picking up from where dialogue 2 broke off]:
...repetition like the fact that you come in each day and you face all these
molds you have to make... that always strikes me...
Rollie: What do you mean? They have certain jobs there that they need
worse than the others-so I'll make those jobs first-the ones they really need.
I have a goal when I come in in the morning. I want
to put up 2-225 snaps-I try to do that every day. I try to do the same amount
every day ...sometimes ...gotta force yourself though
...you can have bad days...